I just couldn't help myself
He was a lot more than just a cat.
Just wanted to say that Vessa now has her own blog, although it may be a few days before she posts anything. Check out the Furry Fury.
I just want to inform you that I have reclaimed the sacred area located under the bed. The Bed Monster tried to stake her claim, but I was having none of that. That space is reserved solely for the purpose of you-know-what-licking. It's not like she has any you-know-whats to lick. Oh wait, neither do I.
Okay, not really a monster, but another cat. A guest cat. A cat who has come to stay. A cat who won't come out from under the bed. (I'm a little miffed that she's taken my spot; under the bed is where I go to mourn the loss of my beloved testicles.)
This isn't like the time Mini Kitten came to stay and then never went home. This cat is just visiting. She is served cared for and petted on a regular basis by Curiosa's colleague D.
She's an old lady cat. She's grumpy and plump, and we've tried to make friends, but she just hisses at us.This apartment is kinda small for two baby kitties (we try to play up the baby angle as much as possible), but it's even smaller with chats à trois. Don't get us wrong. We don't mind her being here. In the meantime, we're just gonna sit here chillin' in our basket, and wait for her to make up to us.
We were very upset to discover that this site had absolutely nothing to do with real cats whatsoever.
I can't really blame my lack of blogging on the absence of opposable thumbs, since I've never had opposable thumbs and managed to blog in spite of this. I will, however, blame my lack of posts on the surgical removal of certain vital body parts.
While aforementioned body parts are not, strictly speaking, required to type on the keyboard, it has had much impact on my morale. I have simply wanted to hide under the bed and lick my wounds (literally). I have been doing just that.
I'm much, much less of a man than I used to be. (Never mind that I'm a cat).