Shaking my tail and snickering
I think these people have too much time on their hands.Take, for example Kitten War. I like this site, since it's about being the cutest cat in the world. I'm certain I'd win if Curiosa ever submitted my picture.
Or, Stuff on My Cat. I personally think it would be funnier to see a site called "Stuff On My Owner."
And then there's Cats In Sinks. According to the site, it's quite a simple concept: "What is Cats in Sinks? It's obvious. It's about cats. And kittens. Who like sinks. And basins." Sounds like a good idea to me. I like to sit in sinks and I'm photogenic. Why not?
And it's not just about my feline friends. Check out Bee Dogs." Woof woof.
And here's Airborne Cats. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a flying kitty!
hey ullrick,
you deleted my beedogs link from the previous post! *rawrrr*.
oh well. i see you re-posted it in this one, which is even better (plus the flying kitties flickr gallery, another favorite).
/Rydberg's dog
There was no deleting. The other entry was posted twice, once in my blog and once in Curiosa's blog. She's having a blog identity crisis right now.
Oops. I'll have to go bite Rydberg on the ankles for not telling me he already posted there. Dumbass.
(But he's a lovable dumbass. Plus he feeds me treats, so I deign to put up with him.)
/R's d.
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